This unique programme involves an initial one day coaching workshop for yourself as parent(s), and six sessions of coaching for your teenage child, taken fortnightly over a 3 month period.
There will be an overlap of many of the themes and concepts that we will explore both in the parents workshop and the teenager's coaching sessions.
By attending the parent's workshop you will have a better understanding of the kind of things that your child's coaching sessions will address, and will be in a better position to support your child's growth as we progress through the 3 months.
'You cannot pour from an empty jug' - it's so important that we, as parents, ensure that we look after our own wellbeing in order to be able to effectively support those we love.
This workshop gives you space to explore a variety of concerns and themes including
The current situation as you see it
Your expectations of parenthood
How you hoped the teenage years would be for your child vs the reality
The teenage brain
How you as a family handle the big emotions - sadness, anger, fear
Your communication styles and how to promote positive communication
Your core values
Your core beliefs
Self care for the parent
All sessions are non-judgemental and confidential.
How the teen experiences life, what's going on for them, what's important to them
What changes would they like to see - acceptance of what can't be changed, commitment to goals
The teenage brain
How you as a family handle the big emotions - sadness, anger, fear
Their communication styles and how to communicate more effectively
Their core values
Their core beliefs
Self care and self love
All sessions are non-judgemental and confidential.
One day workshop will be at a mutually convenient date 10am-4pm. This will take place at my home, in private comfortable surroundings, near Horsham.
Six sessions of coaching for your teenager - 50 minutes per session, with session one starting preferably within a week of the parent's workshop. Sessions will be fortnightly over a 3 month period, held at my home near Horsham or on Zoom or a mixture of both.
Initial online meeting for up to 30 minutes with parent
Includes pre session reflective questions for both parent and child
Light refreshments
Ability to WhatsApp and email me between sessions for both parent and child.
Follow up online meeting with parent(s) one month after child's coaching sessions end.