For most of us,  navigating relationships can often feel challenging.  In the workplace it might be a colleague or boss. Or perhaps it's our partner, or our children. Families can be fertile ground for difficult relationships, perhaps with a parent, or siblings.  And what about dating?  How can we choose wisely, date with integrity and ensure we get our needs met?

Whatever your relationship challenge, coaching can help.  Here are a few situations where coaching can be highly effective.

For singles looking for love.  Whether you're in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, or beyond, coaching can help you find a healthy and happy relationship with someone who truly deserves and appreciates you, where your needs are met, and communication is effective and open.  
Coaching will support you in 
  • becoming conscious of your relationship patterns, particularly those that are holding you back, and shifting  to a more helpful mindset.
  • learning about your attachment styles, and how you can work with them, not against them.
  • uncovering the themes that play out in your relationships
  • identifying your core values and what a values-led approach to dating might look like
  • setting and maintaining boundaries
  • identifying early on in a relationship, the likelihood of it succeeding
Workplace relationships.  Whether it's an obvious conflict with another person or  more subtle dynamics within a group of people, coaching can support you in
  • identifying your default communication style, and improving it's efficacy
  • handling your emotions in difficult situations
  • identifying your core values and how they can guide you to navigate conflict successfully
  • becoming conscious of your core beliefs and unhelpful ways of thinking, and shifting to a more helpful mindset
Family relationships.  Difficulties getting along with a parent or sibling can permeate our whole life, showing up as tension at family gatherings, dramatic showdowns or more subtle passive-agressive dynamics.  Coaching can support you in
  • recognising unhealthy patterns of relating
  • learning more effective communication techniques 
  • preparing for situations where you will be with people you find challenging 
  • ways of handling your emotions in difficult situations
  • managing your energy levels
  • setting boundaries
Intimate relationships.  We are socialised to believe that there is 'The One' for each of us. This can set us and our partner up for unrealistic expectations and unattainable standards.  Coaching can support you in
  • identifying your core values and what a values-led approach to partnership might look like
  • navigating conflict and mismatched wants and needs
  • recognising co-dependent patterns
  • more effective communication styles
  • becoming conscious of your relationship patterns, particularly those that are holding you back, and shifting  to a more helpful mindset
  • setting and maintaining boundaries
  • exploring the possibility of ending the relationship in a compassionate and positive way

I work with people who are committed to growth, to making a real change in their lives, people who are engaged with the work needed to get themselves exactly where they want to be.  In return, I will coach you without judgement, but with intuition, compassion, patience and a genuine belief that you can fulfil your potential.  I will hold you accountable, challenge you on your excuses, whilst being your cheerleader as you move forward.  I will empower you to grow, thrive and shine.

My approach to coaching is holistic, meaning that I see you as a whole person, whose way of being is shaped by the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual spheres.

I draw on many different approaches in my coaching, including humanism, positive psychology, narrative Coaching, Jungian psychology, the transpersonal, spirituality. By combining a variety of approaches bespoke to your own unique way of being, we will gain insight into the subtle and subconscious drivers of your actions, behaviour, and motivations. No two people are the same, and so my approach is different with each and every client.

Together we will explore the challenges you currently have, build on what's going well in your life, and focus on options and solutions, building new habits and finding new ways to be. 

The deepest change happens when we are supported.  As your coach I will uncover and reflect back your blindspots, the things you can't or won't see and I will gently keep you on track.  

£500 for six sessions of up to an hour (usually over a period of three months)

£950 for twelve sessions of up to an hour (usually over a period of six months)

Sessions can be taken at my home near Horsham, or online via Zoom.

For one day workshops, please see  One day workshops for individuals